Thursday, 11 March 2010

This Years Tournament (15th)

It's nearly that time again, when we send out the invitations to this years tournament.
Yes its the 15th year the tournament has been in existence and there are a few players who have been to every one!!
We are running a little behind schedule, pressures of work and watching too much of the Olympics (on the telly, unfortunately).
The official invites will be sent to the team managers or team contact name next week (w/c 15th March).
Teams will again be on a first come-first guaranteed a place basis as long at ALL the information and conditions are met.
This year, again like all the previous years, its on the weekend of fathers day, so that's the 19th & 20th June.
Please keep a eye on this Blog for further information on this years official logo, successful teams and merchandise (this year it can be viewed and ordered on-line).
Good luck to all teams.

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